Tennis Come True East London C.I.C Tennis Courses Booking Terms and Conditions
Group Coaching - When booking a course
Booking of coaching sessions should be made online in advance
You can join the term at any time, Clubspark booking system will charge you just for the remaining lessons of the term.
Coaching sessions must be booked in the name of the player and are non-transferable to anyone else.
Places in our courses are subject to availability and are sold on a first-come-first-served basis.
If any single coaching group session is sold out, a waitlist will be created and players who have indicated their wish to join the class will be contacted if a place becomes available.
If a player misses a session we are unable to offer a refund, credit or make-up session unless there are exceptional circumstances (Medical certificate). In this case, a credit for a future course will be offered.
We can not offer the possibility to make up lessons in any course starting from 24th May 2021.
If a player is unable to continue with the course mid-way through, we will not be able to issue refunds. Although we will consider special circumstances related to your absence (Medical Certificate). In this case, credit for future courses will be offered.
When booking a course of tennis coaching a player is committing to the entire course. In the event, if a player wishes to switch onto another course, subject to availability, Tennis Come True East London C.I.C reserves the right to allow or to refuse to transfer the booking to another course. We are unable to offer a refund.
Players booking and attending a coaching session are assumed to be fully fit. If this is not the case, the player or their guardian must inform the coach at the outset of the lesson in advance of any medical condition or disability which may be relevant to the coaching session. This should also be recorded in advance on the player's ClubSpark profile. We must also be notified of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability. We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion.
Junior players must have on their ClubSpark profile an emergency contact number that is relevant to the time of the lesson, so that a parent or guardian may be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Playersbringinganymedicalequipmenttotheirlessonmustindicatetothecoach at the outset of the lesson the location of the medical equipment so it can be located quickly and easily in the event of an emergency.
Tennis Come True East London C.I.C reserves the right to refuse entry onto a coaching course, or advise a more appropriate session if any participant is found not to be of the appropriate age/ability for the group. The participant will be provided with 2 alternative courses appropriated to the level to choose the preferable one. We are unable to offer a refund.
Ifaplayerbooksontoacourse,thatsessionwillgoaheadaslongas4playersare booked onto the session. If there is only one player booked on, the coach taking the session will notify the player of this fact prior to the lesson. The player then has the option of either cancelling and receiving a full refund or attending a course of the same level any other day.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations of a group coaching course must be made in writing by e-mail to and be received within a minimum of 6 days of the commencement of the course. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted.
Cancellation of any group coaching course made within the time period above will be refunded in full, less a £10 administration fee. No refunds or credits are available after that date, other than in exceptional circumstances. We are unable to accept replacements in lieu of your booking.
If you or your child is absent from a session for a reason other than Tennis Come True East London having cancelled the session, you are choosing to forfeit the time. Only in exceptional circumstances, e.g. on presentation of a doctor’s note will a credit be issued.
In the event that you wish to cancel or switch onto another course on the programme, subject to availability, Tennis Come True East London may allow you to transfer your booking to another programme when spaces are available. We are unable to offer a refund.
Force Majeure: We cannot, however, accept liability for any loss, damage or expense or make refunds in the event of any changes (whether before or during the courses) arising from force majeure such as war, threat of war, riots, civil unrest, strikes, natural disasters, fire, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics, weather conditions, government actions, or other events beyond our control.
In case when any of the above mentioned events take place we will provide a player with a credit for the value of the remaining lessons of the course, private lesson or holiday tennis camp to use it within 4 months of resuming the tennis activity.
Credit could be used in any of our courses (when booking the full term), private coaching or holiday tennis camps.
Weather Policy
In the event of poor weather conditions or extreme heat, a coached tennis session may be cancelled. The decision on whether to cancel a session for health and safety reasons will be taken by the Coach responsible for that session at the time of the session. Please assume lessons are going ahead unless contacted.
The lessons wouldn't be cancelled in advance for bad weather conditions, the decision will be taken at the time of the lessons, players presented at the time of the cancellation will be able to make the session up. We will offer you a space in a different group suitable for your age and level twice. Lessons are due to be made up during the same term or in the following term (the player must be registered for the following term in order to make up a lesson in that term). You will be able to make up a lesson just when spaces are available. In the case that any of the alternative dates are not suitable for you we will not be able to offer you more alternative dates, refund, cancellation or credit.
Coaches will be there for the first 15 minutes of the lesson when the lesson is cancelled.
Some sessions will go ahead in bad weather. Others will not. Please assume in the first instance that all sessions will go ahead and bring suitable waterproof or cold weather clothes for the conditions.
If the Coach decides that a session needs to be cancelled before the session begins, or before the end of 20 minutes into that session, players will have the option to make up the lesson subject to the conditions on paragraph 2. We are unable to offer a refund.
If the lesson is cancelled in advance due to snow or severe storm, we will notify the players and they will be able to make up that lesson subject to paragraph 2. We are unable to offer a refund.
In the event of such a cancellation, you will be contacted by email or text using the contact details you have provided to the ClubSpark booking service. Please ensure that these details are correct and please confirm receipt of the lesson cancellation on each occasion. (Coaches will contact everyone in the class at once and so will not be able to respond individually to texts, e-mails or calls querying the weather).
Sometimes, decisions will be taken last minute, as the weather is so changeable. While we are always keen for sessions to go ahead, please respect that the health and safety of our players and coaches is our first consideration.
Tennis Come True General Policies
We can accept no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items whilst on our courses.
Any aggressive actions (verbal or physical) towards our staff or clients will not be tolerated.
Tennis Come True reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions within this document.
Private lessons Policy
If you cannot attend a private lesson let us know 24 hours in advance to change your private lesson to a different day or time. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours in advance will not have the option to change the lesson for a different day or time. We are unable to offer a refund.
A private lesson can be rearranged just once when notified 48 hours in advance unless we cancel the lesson due to bad weather.
Booking should be made online in advance.
Cancellations, weather policies and make-up policies also apply to private lessons.
When booking a private lesson or block of private lessons the player is committing to the session or the entire block. In the event, if a player wishes to cancel the session or block of sessions, we are unable to offer a refund. Depending on the circumstances, the player will be offered a credit for private coaching for the unused lessons to be used within 6 months from the time the cancellation took place.
General Policies
We can accept no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items whilst on our courses.
Any aggressive actions (verbal or physical) towards our staff or clients will not be tolerated.
Tennis Come True reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions within this document.